Softlogic’s ERP software is all-in-one, unique solution for schools, colleges & university to automate academic and administrative activities in the most efficient way. It offers value & insights to everyone related to institute.
Day-to-day activities in educational institute require manual execution & communication of tasks spread across different departments. Manual intervention in each & every educational process puts tremendous burden on institute staff, thus resulting into processing delays & lack of co-ordination across departments.
Our education ERP software is completely customizable & easy to adopt solution for institutes with very affordable pricing. This software supports all major academic boards including State Boards, CBSE, ICSE, IB (International Board)

Premium Features & Modules
Student Admission
- Online Applicants Registration
- Comprehensive admission form
- Record previous education details
- Online Admission Payment Facility
- Very simple-to-mark attendance register
- Automate attendance with RFID card/ Biometric devices
- Instant attendance report
- Facility to mark attendance lecture-wise, first half, second half.
Fees - Finance
- Define fee category and particulars and set fee collection dates
- Collect fees through online payment gateway OR accept fees in institute's office
- Instantly generate fees receipt for students.
- Generate fees report course-wise, batch-wise.
- Easy to manage income & expenses register with facility to generate transactions reports under different heads/ cash books, as per institute's requirement
- One-click payslip approval and generation system
- Manage assets, liabilities, donations.
Human Resources
- Manage employees efficiently from joining to exit
- Create employee categories such as teaching-staff, non-teaching staff, office-staff, Security-staff, Library-staff, Laboratory-staff etc.
- Create & manage various departments within institute
- Add employee positions and grades
- Manage employee attendance & leaves using very effective leave management system
- Manage employee payroll
- Create, approve, view employee payslips at one-click
- Create & manage store category & types
- Create &manage stores & store items
- Create & manage suppliers
- Manage purchase orders & billing
- Create,manage, maintain general store register with unique GRN for each transaction
- Generate various store/inventory reports
- Create & manage types of hostels such as Gents, Ladies, common
- Create, manage, allocate rooms to students
- Set & accept Hostel fees through online payment OR in school office
- Generate various reports such as Hostel rooms availability, fees defaulters, total fees collection
Calendar - Events - Poll/Feedback
- Create events like holidays, fees collection deadlines, exam schedules ,school/class trips
- Monthly Calendar view of events with different colors for each event category
- Create/edit/view/delete polls
- Assign polls to group of students OR employess OR to everyone in institute
- Use Polls as effective tool to get teacher's feedback from students
- One-click time-table creation
- Assign subjects, teachers & classrooms
- Create weekly/monthly/Semister time table
- Alerts on number of lectures per teacher
- Supports multiple grading systems such as GPA, CCE, CWA and normal grades.
- Completely customizable exams based on exam patterns of CBSE, ICSE, State Boards, International Board
- Generate graphical, statistical reports
- Generate CCE & other score cards in the format prescribed by the respective exam boards
Online Exam
- Simplest-to-use & most user friendly interface
- Built-to-match pattern of any competitive exam.
- Easy to adopt and affordable customization
- Very effective tool to conduct timer based, paperless mock practice tests
- Built-in question bank with questions categorized as subject, topics, sub-topics, difficulty level
- Get instant result with feedback and certificate, after completion of online exam.
Library Management
- Add/view/edit/delete books in book catalogue
- Assign barcode & tags to books to easily identify & search them
- Manage books issue/returns/renew
- Maintain books inventory with detailed log on books movement/transactions
- Set library fines for specific criteria on books issue/return/renew/damages
- Set limit on number of books issuable per course/class/student
- Add/edit/manage/delete vehicle details with seats available in each vehicle
- Set transport routes with cost for each route
- View students/employees on each route
- Create & view transport fees collections
- Accept transport fees through online payment OR in school office
Assignment - Tasks - Discipline
- Create assignment for students
- Download & view submitted assignments. Enter remarks on assignment
- Create & assign tasks to employees. View task completion status
- Register discipline complaint against someone in institute.
- Accused person can submit clarification, comments
- Assign jury to take decision whether to convict or acquit the accused
Placement - Alumni
- Create/view/manage/announce placement activity to group of students & employees
- Students can apply online for placement activity
- Placement officer can accept/reject applications. Students can track their placement status
- Organize events to connect with alumni